Wyatt, Robert Lee, III

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WYATT, Robert Lee, III

WYATT, Robert Lee, III. American, b. 1940. Genres: Education, History. Career: High school English teacher in Las Cruces, NM, 1963-69; General Dynamics Corp., Fort Worth, TX, writer and director of airplane construction films, 1969-70; high school teacher of English, journalism, and drama, Grandfield, OK, 1970-87; University of Oklahoma, instructor, 1987-90; East Central University, Ada, OK, associate professor of education, 1990-. Big Pasture News, owner and publisher, 1976-86. Publications: Devol: Gateway to the Big Pasture, 1974; Grandfield: Hub of the Big Pasture, Vol I, 1975, Vol II, 1976; The History of the Haverstock Tent Show, 1997; (with S. Looper) So You Have to Have a Portfolio: Planning, Producing, and Presenting a Professional Portfolio, 1998; (with E. White) Making Your First Year a Success: The Secondary Teacher's Survival Guide, 2002. Address: College of Education, East Central University, Box J-1, Ada, OK 74820, U.S.A. On- line address: bwyatt@mailclerk.ecok.edu; bwyatt@wilnet1.com

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