Wonnacott, Ronald Johnston

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WONNACOTT, Ronald Johnston

WONNACOTT, Ronald Johnston. Canadian, b. 1930. Genres: Economics. Career: University of Western Ontario, London, asst professor, 1958-61, assoc professor, 1962-65, chairman, dept of economics, 1969-72, professor, 1965-96, professor emeritus of economics, 1996-. University of Minnesota, visiting assoc professor, 1961-62. Canadian Economics Assn, president, 1981. Publications: Canadian-American Dependence: An Inter-industry Analysis, 1961; (with G.L. Reuber) Cost of Capital in Canada, 1961; (with P. Wonnacott) Free Trade between the United States and Canada: The Potential Economic Effects, 1967; (with T. Wonnacott) Introductory Statistics, 1969; (with T. Wonnacott) Econometrics, 1970; (with T. Wonnacott) Introductory Statistics for Business and Economics, 1972; Canada's Trade Options, 1975; (with P. Wonnacott) Economics, 1979; (with T. Wonnacott) Regression, 1981; Canada-U.S. Free Trade: Problems and Opportunities, 1985; (with R. Hill) Canadian and U.S. Adjustment Policies in a Bilateral Trade Ageement, 1987; The Economics of Overlapping Free Trade Areas and the Mexican Challenge, 1991. Contributor to periodicals. Address: 171 Wychwood Park, London, ON, Canada N6G 1S1. Online address: Wonnacot@uwo.ca

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