Whiteman, (David) Bruce

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WHITEMAN, (David) Bruce

WHITEMAN, (David) Bruce. Canadian, b. 1952. Genres: Literary criticism and history, Writing/Journalism, Poetry, Bibliography, Art/Art history. Career: McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, research collections librarian, 1979-88; McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, head of department of rare books and special collections, 1988-96; UCLA, William Andrews Clark Memorial Library, head librarian, 1996-. Publications: Leonard Cohen: An Annotated Bibliography, 1980; Raymond Souster: A Descriptive Bibliography, 1984; (ed.) A Literary Friendship: The Correspondence of Ralph Gustafson and W.W.E. Ross, 1984; Raymond Souster and His Works, 1985; (with C. Stewart and C. Funnell) A Bibliography of Macmillan of Canada Imprints, 1906-1980, 1985; The Letters of John Sutherland, 1942-1956, 1992; Lasting Impressions: A Short History of English Publishing in Quebec, 1994; J.E.H. MacDonald, 1995. POETRY: The Invisible World Is in Decline, 1984; The Invisible World Is in Decline, Books II-IV, 1989, Book V, 2000; Visible Stars: New and Selected Poems, 1995. Address: William Andrews Clark Memorial Library, UCLA, 2520 Cimarron St., Los Angeles, CA 90018, U.S.A. Online address: Whiteman@Humnet.UCLA.edu