White, Richard W(eddington), Jr.

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WHITE, Richard W(eddington), Jr.

WHITE, Richard W(eddington), Jr. American, b. 1936. Genres: Regional/ Urban planning, Economics, Social work, Sociology. Career: U.S. Department of Labor, Washington, DC, agricultural wage analyst and management intern, 1960-61, 1963-64; U.S. Office of Economic Opportunity, Job Corps, Washington, DC, deputy chief of admissions branch, 1964-65 chief of admissions for western region, 1965-67; U.S. Community Services Administration, San Francisco, chief of intergovernmental and private sector relations, 1968- 72, chief of field operations, 1973-74, special programs coordinator, 1975- 77, chief of field operations, 1978-81; real estate capital planner, 1982; United Way of San Francisco and Alameda County, agency relations associate and county manager of agency relations, 1983-86; University of California, Berkeley, lecturer in social welfare, 1977-83. James Madison Foundation, senior fellow, 1992-. Publications: Federal Support for Local Decision Making, 1975; Rude Awakenings: What the Homeless Crisis Tells Us, 1992. EDITOR: C. Langoni, The Development Crisis, 1987; J. Bovard, The Farm Fiasco, 1988. Contributor to periodicals. Address: 501 Santa Barbara Rd, Berkeley, CA 94707, U.S.A. Online address: rwwhite@aol.com