Whitcomb, John C(lement)

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WHITCOMB, John C(lement)

WHITCOMB, John C(lement). American, b. 1924. Genres: Astronomy, Earth sciences, History, Theology/Religion. Career: Former Professor of Theology and Old Testament, Grace Theological Seminary, Winona Lake, IN (Professor, 1951-90; Director of Post-Graduate Studies, 1961-86). President of the Board, Spanish-World Gospel Mission Inc., 1962-90; Ed., Grace Theological Journal, 1980-89; Member, Board of Trustees, Foreign Missionary Society of the Brethren Church, 1966-86; President of the Board, Conservative Grace Brethren Association, 1990-94. Publications: Darius the Mede, 1959; (with H.M. Morris) The Genesis Flood, 1961; The Origin of the Solar System, 1964; Chronology Charts of the Old Testament; Solomon to the Exile, 1971; (with D.J. DeYoung) The Moon, 1978; Esther: The Triumph of God's Sovereignty, 1979; (with J.J. Davis) Israel: From Conquest to Exile, 1980; The Bible and Astronomy, 1984; Daniel, 1985; The Early Earth: An Introduction to Biblical Creationism, 1986; The World That Perished: An Introduction to Biblical Catastrophism, 1988; (with D.J. DeYoung) Our Created Moon, 2003. Address: 6147 Hythe Rd, Indianapolis, IN 46220, U.S.A. Online address: jcwhitcomb@juno.com; www.whitcombministries.org

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