Wauzzinski, Robert A.
WAUZZINSKI, Robert A. American, b. 1950. Genres: Philosophy, Theology/Religion. Career: Whitworth College, Spokane, WA, Edward B. Lindaman Endowed Chair of Communication, Technology, and Change, 1986-92; Indiana University-Purdue University, senior scholar for the study of religion and culture, 1992-94; Ball State University, professor of philosophy and religion, 1994-. Lecturer at colleges and universities. Publications: Between God and Gold: Protestant Evangelicalism and the Industrial Revolution, 1820-1918, 1993; Discerning Prometheus: The Cry for Wisdom in an Age of Technology, 2001; The Transforming Story of Dwelling House Savings and Loan: A Pittsburgh Bank's Fight against Urban Poverty, 2003; The Story of Ruth, forthcoming. Contributor to periodicals. Address: Dept of Philosophy, College of Sciences and Humanities, North Quad, Ball State University, Muncie, IN 47304, U.S.A. Online address: Wabber15@aol.com