Wassup Rockers

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Wassup Rockers ★★ 2006 (R)

A group of South Central Salvadoran teens hang out, skateboarding, working their punk-rock band, chasing girls—two of whom happen to be rich, so the boys travel to Beverly Hills and get into trouble and then scamper back to their ‘hood. The teens are first-time actors basically playing themselves and, for Clark, the film is almost surprisingly sweet. 99m/C DVD . US Carlos Ramirez, Jonathan Velasquez, Francisco Pedrasa, Milton Valesquez, Usvaldo Panameno, Eddie Velasquez, Luis Rojas Salgado, Iris Zelaya, Rosalia, Laura Cellner, Jessica Steinbaum; D: Larry Clark; W: Larry Clark; C: Steve Gainer; M: Harry Cody.

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