Wasby, Stephen L(ewis)

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WASBY, Stephen L(ewis)

WASBY, Stephen L(ewis). American, b. 1937. Genres: Law, Politics/ Government. Career: Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, assistant professor to professor of political science, 1966-78; State University of New York at Albany, professor of political science, 1978-97, professor emeritus, 1999-. National Science Foundation, program director, 1978-79. U.S. Naval Academy, Sec-Nav Fellow, 1990-91. University of Victoria, BC, visiting professor of Law, 1995; University of Toronto, Bissell-Fulbright Chair of Canadian-American Relations, 1997-98. Publications: Political Science: The Discipline and Its Dimensions, 1970; The Impact of the United States Supreme Court: Some Perspectives, 1970; American Government and Politics, 1973; Continuity and Change: From the Warren Court to the Burger Court, 1976; Small Town Police and the Supreme Court: Hearing the Word, 1976; (with A. D'Amato and R. Metrailer) Desegregation from Brown to Alexander: An Exploration of Supreme Court Strategies, 1977; The Supreme Court in the Federal Judicial System, 1978, 4th ed., 1993; (sr. coauthor) Volume and Delay in State Appellate Courts: Problems and Responses, 1979; Vote Dilution, Minority Voting Rights, and the Courts, 1982; Race Relations Legislation in an Age of Complexity, 1995. EDITOR: Civil Liberties: Policy and Policy-Making, 1976; (co) The Analysis of Policy Impact, 1981; He Shall Not Pass This Way Again: The Legacy of Justice Douglas, 1990; Ronald J. Fiscus, The Constitutional Logic of Affirmative Action, 1991. Contributor to periodicals. Address: 20 Northgate Dr, Albany, NY 12203- 5129, U.S.A. Online address: wasb@cnsunix.albany.edu

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Wasby, Stephen L(ewis)

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Wasby, Stephen L(ewis)