Voss, Sarah (Henderson)

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VOSS, Sarah (Henderson)

VOSS, Sarah (Henderson). American, b. 1945. Genres: Inspirational/ Motivational Literature, Mathematics/Statistics, Theology/Religion. Career: Unitarian Universalist community minister, author, and national lecturer. University of Nebraska, Omaha, instructor of mathematics, 1981-86, community minister and research associate in the Department of Philosophy and Religion, 1995-; College of St. Mary, Omaha, NE, assistant professor of mathematics and mathematics program director, 1986-90; First Unitarian Church of Chicago, ministerial intern, 1991-92; Peoples Church, Cedar Rapids, IA, interim minister, 1992-94; Nebraska's Eastern Regional Math and Science Coalition, Omaha, NE, community minister and director, 1994- 95; First Unitarian Church of Sioux City, IA, consulting minister, 1999-. Founder of Pi Zine, a dedicated website. Publications: Out of Our Prayers, Hope, 1991; What Number is God?: Metaphors, Metaphysics, Metamathematics, and the Nature of Things, 1995; Voice to Voice, Heart to Heart: The Story of an Interim Ministry, 1996; Zero: Reflections about Nothing, 1998. Contributor of articles to periodicals. Author of inspirational poetry. Address: c/o Skinner House Books, 25 Beacon St, Boston, MA 02108, U.S.A. Online address: sarvoss@aol.com

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