von Mehren, Arthur Taylor

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VON MEHREN, Arthur Taylor

VON MEHREN, Arthur Taylor. American, b. 1922. Genres: Law. Career: Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, joined faculty, 1946, Story Professor of Law, 1976-93, Story Professor of Law Emeritus, 1993-. Publications: (with J. Gordley) The Civil Law System: An Introduction to the Comparative Study of Law, 1951, rev. ed., 1977; (with D. Trautman) The Law of Multi- state Problems: Cases and Materials on Conflicts of Laws, 1965; Law in the United States: A General and Comparative View, 1988; Conflict of Laws: American, Comparative, International, 1998; (with T. Valady and J.J. Barcelo) International Commercial Arbitration: A Transnational Perspective, 1999, rev. ed., 2003; Theory and Practice of Adjudicatory Authority in Private International Law: A Comparative Study of the Doctrine, Policies and Practice of Common- and Civil Law-Law Systems, 2002. EDITOR: (with K.H. Nadelmann and J.N. Hazard) XXth Century Comparative and Conflicts Law, 1961; Law in Japan: The Legal Order in a Changing Society, 1963. Address: Harvard Law School, Areeda Hall, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A. Online address: vonmehre@law.harvard.edu

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von Mehren, Arthur Taylor

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