Vollstedt, Maryana

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VOLLSTEDT, Maryana. American, b. 1925. Genres: Food and Wine. Career: Reed & Cross Inc. (specialty department store), Eugene, OR, founder, 1952, owner, 1952-79; Vollstedt Associates, marketing and merchandising consultant, 1979-. Publications: Pacific Fresh: Great Recipes from the West Coast, 1995; What's for Dinner?: Over 200 Delicious Recipes That Work Every Time, 1997; The Big Book of Casseroles, 2000; The Big Book of Soups & Stews, 2001; The Big Book of Breakfast, 2002. Author of a series of 4 privately printed cookbooks, "What's for Dinner?" Author of 12 specialty cookbooks, 1968-84. Address: 33970 Van Duyn Rd, Eugene, OR 97408, U.S.A. Online address: ovollstedt@aol.com

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Vollstedt, Maryana

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