Viscusi, W. Kip
VISCUSI, W. Kip. American, b. 1949. Genres: Business/Trade/Industry, Economics. Career: Northwestern University, Evanston, IL, assistant professor, 1976-78, associate professor, 1979-81, professor of economics, 1985-88; Duke University, Durham, NC, professor of business administration, 1981- 84, George G. Allen Professor of Economics, 1988-96; Harvard Law School, Cogan Professor of Law and Economics, 1996-; writer. President's Council on Wage and Price Stability, deputy director, 1979-81; University of Chicago, John M. Olin Visiting Research Professor, 1985-86; member of science advisory boards. Publications: (with R. Berkman) Damming the West, 1973; Welfare of the Elderly, 1979; Employment Hazards, 1979; Risk by Choice, 1983; Regulating Consumer Product Safety, 1984; (with W.A. Magat) Learning about Risk, 1987; (with M.J. Moore) Compensation Mechanisms for Job Risks, 1990; (with P. Weiler and others) Enterprise Responsibility for Personal Injury, Vol. I: The Institutional Framework, Vol. II: Approaches to Legal and Institutional Change, 1991; Reforming Products Liability, 1991; (with J. Vernon and J.E. Harrington Jr.) The Economics of Regulation and Antitrust, 1992, 3rd ed., 2000; (with W.A. Magat) Informational Approaches to Regulation, 1992; Fatal Tradeoffs, 1992; Smoking: Making the Risky Decision, 1992; Product-Risk Labeling, 1993; (ed.) Mortality Costs of Regulatory Expenditures, 1994; Risk, Regulation and Responsibility, 1996; Rational Risk Policy, 1998; (with J.T. Hamilton) Calculating Risks, 1999. Address: Harvard Law School, Hauser 302, 1563 Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A. Online address: