Villatoro, Marcos McPeek

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VILLATORO, Marcos McPeek

VILLATORO, Marcos McPeek. American. Genres: Novels, Poetry, Documentaries/Reportage. Career: Writer, educator; missionary to Guatemala, 1989-91; Mount St. Mary's College, Los Angeles, CA. teacher of creative writing and literature; Pacifica Radio, host of "Shelf Life.". Publications: Walking to La Milpa: Living in Guatemala with Armies, Demons, Abrazos, and Death, 1996; A Fire in the Earth (novel), 1996; They Say That I Am Two: Poems, 1997; The Holy Spirit of My Uncle's Cojones (novel), 1999; Home Killings (mystery), 2001. Address: Mount St. Mary's College, Chalon Campus, 12001 Chalon Rd., Los Angeles, CA 90049, U.S.A. Online address:

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Villatoro, Marcos McPeek

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