van Brabant, Jozef M(artin)
VAN BRABANT, Jozef M(artin)
VAN BRABANT, Jozef M(artin). Belgian, b. 1942. Genres: Economics. Career: Catholic University of Louvain, Belgium, economist, 1968-72; Free University of Berlin, Germany, wisschenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter, 1972-75; United Nations, NYC, economic affairs officer, 1975-83, senior economic affairs officer, 1984-91, principal economic affairs officer, 1991-. Consultant on East European economic development. Publications: The Program for Socialist Economic Integration, 1971; Planning and Economic Growth in a Socialist Economy, 1972; Een kwarteeuw socialistische economie in Oost- europa (title means: A Quarter-Century of Socialist Economics in Eastern Europe), 1973; Observations on Poland's Trade Performance and Foreign Economic Relations in Recent Years, 1973; Reflections on Poland's Economic Policies in the 1960s, 1973; Bilateralism and Structural Bilateralism in Intra-CMEA Trade, 1973; A Reconstruction of the Composition of Intra-CMEA Trade Relations, 1974; Essays on Planning, Trade and Integration in Eastern Europe, 1974; East European Cooperation, 1977; Socialist Economic Integration, 1980; Exchange Rates in Eastern Europe, 1985; Adjustment, Structural Change, and Economic Efficiency, 1987; Regional Price Formation in Eastern Europe, 1987; Economic Integration in Eastern Europe, 1989; Remaking Eastern Europe, 1990; The Planned Economies and International Economic Organizations, 1991; Integrating Eastern Europe into the Global Economy, 1991; Privatizing Eastern Europe, 1992; Unravelling the Ruble Regime, 1992; Industrial Policy in Eastern Europe, 1993; The Transformation of Eastern Europe, 1995; Integrating Europe, 1996, The Political Economy of Transition, 1998. EDITOR: Economic Reforms in Centrally Planned Economies and Their Impact on the Global Economy, 1991; The New Eastern Europe and the World Economy, 1993; Remaking Europe, 1999. Address: United Nations, DC2 2150, New York, NY 10163- 0020, U.S.A. Online address: