Vallinder, Torbjörn

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VALLINDER, Torbjörn. Swedish, b. 1925. Genres: Politics/Government, Writing/Journalism, Communications/Media, Law. Career: Lund University, Lund, Sweden, senior lecturer in political science, 1966-91. Publications: I kamp foer demokratin: Roestraettsroerelsen i Sverige, 1886-1900 (title means: In the Front Line of Democracy: The Universal Suffrage Movement in Sweden, 1886-1900), 1962; Press och politik (title means: Press and Politics), 1968, 2nd ed., 1971; (ed. with C.N. Tate) The Global Expansion of Judicial Power, 1995; Nio edsvurna maen. Jury och tryckfrihet i Severige 1815-2000 (title means: Nine Sworn Men: The Jury System and Freedom of the Press in Sweden, 1815-2000), 2000. Address: Mantalskroken 11, S-226 47 Lund, Sweden. Online address:

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