Vahanian, Gabriel

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VAHANIAN, Gabriel. American (born France), b. 1927. Genres: Theology/ Religion, Translations. Career: Princeton University, NJ, Instructor, 1955- 58; Syracuse University, NY, Assistant Professor, 1958-62, Associate Professor, 1962-67, Eliphalet Remington Professor, 1967-73, Jeannette K. Watson Professor of Religion, 1975-84; Universite des Sciences Humaines, Strasbourg, Visiting Professor, 1972-75, 1975-76, 1979-80, Professor de theologie ethique, 1984-95, Professor Emeritus, 1995-; University of Toronto, ON, Visiting Professor, 1978; Centre College, Visiting Professor, 1993-95. Publications: (trans.) K. Barth, La Confession de foi de l'eglise (The Faith of the Church), 1960; The Death of God: The Culture of Our Post-Christian Era, 1961; Wait without Idols, 1964; No Other God, 1966; La Condition de Dieu, 1970; Dieu et l'Utopie, 1977; Dieu Anonyme ou la peur des mots, 1989, rev. ed. in English as God Anonymous, 2001; L'Utopie Chretienne (collection), 1992; Le Salut, 1994; (ed.) Le Siecle de Jacques Ellul, 1994; L'Europe a la croisee des religions, 1995; La foi une fois pour toutes, 1996; La transparence et le secret, 1998; In Praise of the Secular, forthcoming. Author of articles. Address: 6 rue Schweighaeuser, 67000 Strasbourg, France.

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