Unstrung Heroes

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Unstrung Heroes ★★½ 1995 (PG)

Semiautobiographical tale of Steven Lidz (Watt), growing up in 1960s California with a mother who is dying of cancer (MacDowell) and a nutty professortype father (Turturro) who refuses to accept her illness. A desperate Steven goes to live with his two oddball uncles (Richards and Chaykin) who provide understanding and insight for the youngster, as well as a new name, Franz. Moving and quirky without being sappy, Keaton's feature debut avoids what would've been easy stereotypes. Based on the autobiography by Franz Lidz. 93m/C VHS, DVD . Andie MacDowell, John Turturro, Michael Richards, Maury Chaykin, Nathan Watt, Kendra Krull; D: Diane Keaton; W: Richard LaGravenese; C: Phedon Papamichael; M: Thomas Newman.

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