Tygiel, Jules

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TYGIEL, Jules. American, b. 1949. Genres: Cultural/Ethnic topics, History, Sports/Fitness. Career: University of Tennessee, Knoxville, assistant professor of history, 1976-77; University of Virginia, Charlottesville, assistant professor of history, 1977-78; San Francisco State University, San Francisco, CA, assistant professor, 1978-82, associate professor, 1982-83, professor of history, 1983-. Publications: Baseball's Great Experiment: Jackie Robinson and His Legacy, 1983; The Great Los Angeles Swindle Oil, Stocks and Scandal in the Roaring Twenties, 1994; Workingmen in San Francisco, 1880-1901, 1992; (ed.) The Jackie Robinson Reader, 1997; Past Time: Baseball as History, 2000; Extra Bases: Explorations on Jackie Robinson, Race and Baseball History, 2002. Address: Dept of History, SCI 224, San Francisco State University, 1600 Holloway Ave, San Francisco, CA 94132, U.S.A. Online address: tygiel@sfsu.edu