Trottier, Maxine

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TROTTIER, Maxine. Canadian (born United States), b. 1950. Genres: Children's fiction, Children's non-fiction. Career: Writer. Former publicschool teacher in Lambeth, Ontario, Canada. Publications: Alison's House, 1993; The Tiny Kite of Eddie Wing, 1996; Pavlova's Gift, 1996; A Safe Place, 1997; Prairie Willow, 1998; Claire's Gift, 1999; Dreamstones, 1999; Flags, 1999; One Is Canada, 1999; A Circle of Silver, 1999; The Walking Stick, 1999; By the Standing Stone, 2000; Laura: A Childhood Tale of Laura Second, 2000; Little Dog Moon, 2000; Storm at Batoche, 2000; Native Crafts: Inspired by North America's First Peoples, 2000; There Have Always Been Foxes, 2001; Under a Shooting Star, 2001. Contributor to books. Address: c/o Transatlantic Literary Agency, 72 Glengowan Rd., Toronto, ON, Canada M4N 1G4. Online address:

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