Trepp, Leo

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TREPP, Leo. American (born Germany), b. 1913. Genres: Philosophy, Theology/Religion. Career: Rabbi, 1936-; Professor Emeritus of Philosophy and Humanities, Napa College, CA. Visiting Professor of Religion, University of Oldenburg, and Hamburg, Germany, 1972, 1979, University of Mainz, Germany, 1983-87, University Professor, 1988-, Honorary Senator, 1996-. Publications: Eternal Faith, Eternal People: A Journey into Judaism, 1962, rev. ed. as History of the Jewish Experience: Eternal Faith, Eternal People, 1999; Die Landesgemeinde der Juden in Oldenburg, 1965; Judaism, Development and Life, 1966, 4th ed., 1999; Die oldenburger Judenschaft, 1972; Una Historia de la Experiencia Judia, 1980; The Complete Book of Jewish Observance, 1980; Die ameriKanischen Juden, 1991; Der judische Gottesdienst, Gestalt und Entwicklung, 1992; Geschichte der deutsuhen Juden, 1996; Die Juden, Volk, Geschichte, Religion, latest ed., 1998; The Liturgical Charts of Mainz, 2003. Author of books in German. Address: 820 Mission Ave Apt 9, San Rafael, CA 94901, U.S.A. Online address: