Tremblay, Florent A(lexander Joseph)

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TREMBLAY, Florent A(lexander Joseph)

TREMBLAY, Florent A(lexander Joseph). Canadian, b. 1933. Genres: Language/Linguistics. Career: Immigration-Quebec, director of language programs, 1968-71; Universite@ACU Laval, Quebec City, Quebec, professor of applied linguistics, 1968-72; Bureau des Langues, Ottawa, Ontario, coordinator of French as a second language, 1972-73; McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, applied linguistics, 1978-82; Royal Military College of Canada, St. Jean-sur-Richelieu, Quebec, professor of French language and literature, 1977-2002; Canadian Forces Language School, scholar-inresidence, 1995-. Publications: La Me@ACUthod situationnelle en Franc@CDLais-langue d'usage, 1972; Bibliotheca Lexicologiae Medii Aevi, Vol. 1: Classics and Education in the Middle Ages, Vols 2-3: Lexicons in the Middle Ages, Vol. 4: Grammars in the Middle Ages, Vol. 5: The Rise of Vernacular Languages, Vol. 6: The Influence of Vulgar Latin, Vols 7-8: Lexicographical Manuscripts, Vols 9-10: Author, Geographical, Abbreviation, Title, Chronological, and Incipits Index, 1989-90; Bibliotheca grammaticorum, Vol 1: Antiquity: Circa 2000 ante Christum-circa 200 ante Christum, 2 books, Vol. 2: The Classical Period: Circa 200 ante Christum-circa 200 post Chris- tum, 2 books, Vol 3: Roman Decadence: Circa 100 post Christum-circa 500 post Christum, 2 books, Vol 4: The Middle Ages: circa 6th to the End of the 15th Century, 2 books, Vol 5: The Renaissance: ca. 1450-ca. 1790, 2 books, Vol 6: The Modern Period: Circa 1790-Present, 3 books, Vol 7, book 1: Index of Titles: Ca. 2000 ante Christum-ca. 1990 post Christum, Vol 7, book 2: Index of Authors: Ca. 2000 ante Christum-ca. 1990 post Christum, 1996; Repertorium siglorum: Acronyms and Abbreviations in Philology and Related Subjects /sigles et abre@ACUviations en e@ACUtudes anciennes et dans les sujets connexes, 2002. Contributor to scholarly journals. Address: Canadian Forces Language School, BFC St. Jean, Jean-sur-Richelieu, QC, Canada J0J 1R0. Online address:

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