Torrance, Thomas Forsyth

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TORRANCE, Thomas Forsyth

TORRANCE, Thomas Forsyth. British (born China), b. 1913. Genres: History, Philosophy, Sciences, Theology/Religion. Career: Professor of Systematic Theology, Auburn, NY, 1938-39; Minister, Alyth Barony, Perths- hire, 1940-47, and Beechgrove Parish, Aberdeen, 1947-50; Co-editor, Scottish Journal of Theology, 1949-82; Professor of Church History, 1950-52, and Professor of Christian Dogmatics, 1952-79, University of Edinburgh. Moderator of the Church of Scotland, 1976-77. Fellow, Royal Society of Edinburgh, and British Academy. Publications: The Doctrine of Grace in the Apostolic Fathers, 1949; Calvin's Doctrine of Man, 1949; Royal Priesthood, 1955; Kingdom and Church, 1956; When Christ Comes and Comes Again, 1957; (co-author and comp.) The School of Faith, 1959; The Apocalypse Today, 1959; Conflict and Agreement in the Church, 2 vols, 1959, 1960; Karl Barth: An Introduction to His Early Theology, 1962; Theology in Reconstruction, 1965; Theological Science, 1969; Space, Time and Incarnation, 1969; God and Rationality, 1971; Theology in Reconciliation, 1975; Space, Time, and Resurrection, 1976; The Ground and Grammar of Theology, 1980; Christian Theology and Scientific Culture, 1980; Divine and Contingent Order, 1981; Reality and Evangelical Theology, 1982; Juridical and Physical Law, 1982; James Clerk Maxwell, 1982; Transformation and Convergence in the Frame of Knowledge, 1984; The Christian Frame of Mind, 1985; Reality and Scientific Theology, 1985; The Hermeneutics of John Calvin, 1988; The Trinitarian Faith, 1988; Karl Barth: Biblical and Evangelical Theologian, 1990; Science Theologique, 1990; Senso del divino e scienza moderna, 1992; Theological Dialogue between Orthodox and Reformed Churches, Vol. 1, 1985, Vol. 2, 1993; Royal Priesthood, 1993; The Ministry of Women, 1992; Divine Meaning: Studies in Greek Patristic Hermeneutics, 1993; Trinitarian Perspectives, 1994; Preaching Christ Today, 1994; Divine Meaning: Studies in Patristic Hermeneutics, 1995; The Christian Doctrine of God, 1996; Scottish Theology, 1996; The Soul and the Person of the Unborn Child, 1999; A Passion for Christ, 1999; H.R. Mackintosh, 2000; The Being and Nature of the Unborn Child, 2000. EDITOR: (with G.W. Bromiley) Karl Barth: Church Dogmatics, 13 vols, 1956- 75; (and trans.) R. Bruce, The Mystery of the Lord's Supper, 1958; Calvin's Tracts and Treatises, 3 vols., 1959; (with D.W. Torrance) Calvin's News Testament Commentaries, 12 vols, 1959-73. Address: 37 Braid Farm Rd, Edinburgh EH10 6LE, Scotland. Online address:

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