Thomas, (Sir) Keith (Vivian)

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THOMAS, (Sir) Keith (Vivian)

THOMAS, (Sir) Keith (Vivian). British, b. 1933. Genres: History, Intellectual history, Literary criticism and history, Theology/Religion. Career: Oxford University, Fellow, All Souls College, Oxford, 1955-57, 2001-, Fellow, St. John's College, Oxford, 1957-86, Reader, 1978-85, Professor of Modern History, 1986, President of Corpus Christi College, Oxford, 1986- 2000. British Academy, President, 1993-97; Past Masters series, Editor, 1979-2000; Oxford University Press, Delegate, 1980-2000. Royal Historical Society, Joint Literary Director, 1970-74, Member of Council, 1975-78, Vice President, 1980-84, Hon. Vice-President, 2001; National Gallery, Trustee, 1991-98. Publications: Religion and the Decline of Magic, 1971; Rule and Misrule in the Schools of Early Modern England, 1976; Age and Authority in Early Modern England, 1977; (co-ed.) Puritans and Revolutionaries, 1978; Man and the Natural World, 1983; History and Literature, 1989; (ed.) The Oxford Book of Work, 1999. Address: All Souls College, Oxford OX1 4AL, England. Online address:

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