Tequila Body Shots

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Tequila Body Shots ★ 1999 (R)

Low-budget nightmare is suffered not just by the portentously named main character, Johnny Orpheus (Lawrence). Johnny is convinced by some buddies to attend a Day of the Dead party held on a Mexican beach where he imbibes some whacked Tequila that enables him to read women's thoughts and experience some afterlife horrors, courtesy of evil spirit Hector (Moreno). Turns out Hector is after his reincarnated wife who just happens to be the girl (Mouser) that Johnny is interested in. Oh yeah, and its all played for laughs (but you won't be). 94m/C VHS, DVD . Joey Lawrence, Dru Mouser, Rene L. Moreno, Nathan Anderson, Josh Marchette, Jennifer Lyons, Henry Darrow; D: Tony Shyu; W: Tony Shyu; C: Lawrence Schweich; M: Shayne Fair, Larry Herbstritt.

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