Tem, Steve Rasnic
TEM, Steve Rasnic
TEM, Steve Rasnic. American, b. 1950. Genres: Horror, Science fiction/ Fantasy. Career: Science fiction writer and editor. Publications: FICTION: Excavation (novel), 1987; Fairytales (short stories), 1990; Absences, 1991; Celestial Inventory (short stories), 1991; Decoded Mirrors: 3 Tales after Lovecraft (short stories), 1992; City Fishing (short stories), 2000; The Far Side of the Lake (short stories), 2001; The Book of Days (novel), 2002. OTHER: One View: Creating Characters in Fantasy and Horror Fiction, 1991. EDITOR: The Umbral Anthology of Science Fiction Poetry, 1982; (with C.L. Grant, T. Lee, and A. Ryan) Night Visions No. 1, 1984; (with C.L. Grant, T. Lee, and A. Ryan) Night Visions: In the Blood, 1987; High Fantastic: Colorado's Fantasy, Dark Fantasy, and Science Fiction, 1995. Address: 2500 Irving St, Denver, CO 80211, U.S.A. Online address: tems@ix.netcom.com