Taylor, Drew Hayden

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TAYLOR, Drew Hayden

TAYLOR, Drew Hayden. Canadian, b. 1962. Genres: Plays/Screenplays. Career: Worked as a writer, director, playwright, and author; has also worked in journalism and television industries and served as researcher, consultant, casting, production assistant, and publicity agent on television shows and documentaries. Publications: PLAYS: Toronto at Dreamers Rock, 1989; Education Is Our Right, 1990; Talking Pictures, 1990; The Bootlegger Blues, 1990; 1991; Someday, 1991; A Contemporary Gothic Indian Vampire Story, 1992; The All-Complete Aboriginal Show Extravaganza, 1994; The Baby Blues, 1995; Girl Who Loved Her Horses, 1995; Only Drunks and Children Tell the Truth, 1996; Kilometres, 1999; AlterNATIVES (originally titled Pranks), 1999; Toronto@atsDREAMERSROCK.com, 1999; The Boy in The Treehouse, 2000; The Buz'gem Blues, 2002. NONFICTION; Funny, You Don't Look like One: Observations of a Blue-eyed Ojibway, 1998; Further Adventures of a Blue-eyed Ojibway: Funny, You Don't Look like One II, 1999; Furious Observations of a Blue-eyed Ojibway: Funny, You Don't Look like One III, 2002. Contributor of satirical commentaries, poetry and prose to newspapers and publications. Address: 5 Mitchell Ave., Toronto, ON, Canada M6J 1C1. Online address: DhTaylor1@Yahoo.com

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