Talbot, Norman Clare
TALBOT, Norman Clare
TALBOT, Norman Clare. Australian (born England), b. 1936. Genres: Science fiction/Fantasy, Children's fiction, Young adult fiction, Poetry, Literary criticism and history, Writing/Journalism. Career: University of Newcastle, NSW, former professor of English; full-time writer; Nimrod Literary Consultancy, owner; Catchfire Press, president. Publications: The Seafolding of Harri Jones, 1965; The Major Poems of John Keats, 1968; Poems for a Female Universe, 1968; Son of a Female Universe, 1971; (with J. Montefiore) The Fishing Boy, 1973; Find the Lady, 1977; Where Two Rivers Meet, 1980; A Glossary of Poetic Terms, 1980, 4th ed., 1991; The Kelly Haiku, 1985; The Birds of Britain series, 1989; (with N. Talbot) Spelling English in Australia, 1990; Spelling English Revised in Australia, 1991; Four Zoas of Australia, 1993; Australian Quaker Christmases, 1993; Australian Skin, Suffolk Bones, 1996; A Moment for Morris, 1996; Betwixt Wood-Woman, Wolf & Bear, 1997; (with J. Montefiore) The Book of Changes, 1999; Myths & Stories, Lies & Truth, 1999; Every Sonnet Tells a Story, 2003. EDITOR: XI Hunter Valley Poets + VII, 1966; Hunter Valley Poets 1973, 1973; IV Hunter Valley Poets, 1975; V Hunter Valley Poets, 1978; (co) The Terrible Echidna?, 1978, I Is Invulnerable Green, 1979; The Companion to This Place, 1980; (with R. Bennett) The Oak in an Egg, 1980; Book without Barriers, 1981; Under Construction, 1981; The Hawkesbury Vowels, 1981; (with Z. Giles) Contrast and Relief: Short Stories of Hunter Valley, 1981; (with M. Orange) Australasian Victorian Studies Proceedings 1980, 1982; (with T.H. Naisby) Mobile as They Come, 1983; (co) Listening to the Stars, 1984; (co) Contrary Modes, 1985; (with T.H. Naisby) The Young Hunter, 1986; Another Site to Be Mined, 1987; The Tiona Park Poems, 1988; Weaving the Heterocosm, 1989; T.H. Naisby, The Pink Tongue, 1990; R. Robinson, The Nearest the White Man Gets, 1989; 50 Poems of Emily Dickinson, 1991; W. Morris, The Water of the Wondrous Isles, 1994; W. Morris, The Glittering Plain, 1996; W. Morris, Child Christopher, 1996; Seamark for the New Millennium, 2000. Address: PO Box 170, New Lambton, NSW 2305, Australia. Online address: nimrod@hunterlink.net.au