Sword, Wiley

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SWORD, Wiley

SWORD, Wiley. American, b. 1937. Genres: History. Career: Techni-Cast Inc., president, 1960-. Publications: Shiloh: Bloody April, 1974, rev. ed., 2001; President Washington's Indian War, 1985; Firepower from Abroad, 1986; Sharpshooter: Hiram Berdan, His Famous Sharpshooters, and Their Sharps Rifles, 1988; Embrace an Angry Wind, 1991; Mountains Touched with Fire, 1995; Southern Invincibility, 1999; The Historic Henry Rifle, 2002. Address: 9090 Bedford Way, Suwanee, GA 30024, U.S.A. Online address: wileysword@msn.com

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