Switzer, Les

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SWITZER, Les. American, b. 1935. Genres: Communications/Media, History, Theology/Religion. Career: Journalist in South Africa, England, and the United States, 1964-72; California State University, Los Angeles, assistant professor of journalism and broadcasting and department head, 1972- 73; Rhodes University, Grahamstown, South Africa, lecturer, 1972-76, senior lecturer, 1977-79, professor of journalism and media studies, 1980-83, department head, 1979-82; University of Houston, Houston, TX, professor of communication, 1983-, African-American studies, 1983-86, and history, 1987-, associate director of Telecommunications Research Institute, 1985-86, cofounder and codirector of Center for Critical Cultural Studies, 1990-98, head of journalism area, 1993-98. Publications: Politics and Communication in the Ciskei, and African"Homeland" in South Africa, 1979; (with D. Switzer) The Black Press in South Africa and Lesotho, 1836-1976, 1979; Media and Dependency in South Africa, 1985; Media Studies and the Critique of Development, 1987; Power and Resistance in an African Society, 1993; Missionary Voices in Colonial South Africa, forthcoming. EDITOR & CONTRIBUTOR: South Africa's Alternative Press, 1880-1960, 1997; (with M. Adhikari) South Africa's Resistance Press, 2000. Work represented in anthologies. Contributor to scholarly journals and newspapers. Address: School of Communication, University of Houston-Central Campus, Houston, TX 77204-3786, U.S.A. Online address: Lswitzer@flash.net

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