Sussman, Peter Y.

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SUSSMAN, Peter Y. American, b. 1941. Genres: Writing/Journalism. Career: San Francisco Chronicle, San Francisco, CA, copyeditor, 1964-67, assistant news editor, 1967-81, editor of the magazine This World, 1981-83, editor of the Sunday supplement Sunday Punch, 1983-93; free-lance writer and editor, Berkeley, CA, 1993-. Lecturer at colleges and universities. Society of Professional Journalists, Northern California Freedom of Information Committee, 1993-, State Sunshine co-chair, 1994-97, Northern California president, 1995-97. Publications: (with D.M. Martin) Committing Journalism: The Prison Writings of Red Hog, 1993. Contributor to magazines and newspapers. Address: 2636 Woolsey St, Berkeley, CA 94705, U.S.A. Online address: