Superman 3

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Superman 3 ★★ 1983 (PG)

Villainous businessman Ross Webster (Vaughn) tries to conquer Superman (Reeve) via the expertise of bumbling computer expert Gus Gorman (Pryor) and the judicious use of an artificial form of Kryptonite. Superman explores his darker side after undergoing transformation into sleaze ball. Promising satiric start ultimately defeated by uneven story and direction and boring physical comedy. Notable is the absence of Lois Lane as a main character, instead the big guy takes up with former flame Lana Lang (O'Toole). Followed by “Superman 4.” 123m/C VHS, DVD . Christopher Reeve, Richard Pryor, Annette O'Toole, Jackie Cooper, Margot Kidder, Marc McClure, Annie Ross, Robert Vaughn; D: Richard Lester; W: David Newman; C: Robert Paynter; M: John Williams.

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