Sultan, Stanley

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SULTAN, Stanley

SULTAN, Stanley. American, b. 1928. Genres: Novels, Novellas/Short stories, Food and Wine, Literary criticism and history, Recreation. Career: National Lexicographic Board Ltd., NYC, assistant editor, 1951-55; Smith College, Northampton, MA, instructor in English, 1955-59; Clark University, Worcester, MA, assistant professor, 1959-62, associate professor, 1962-68, professor of English, 1968-. Publications: The Argument of Ulysses, 1965; Yeats at His Last, 1975; Ulysses, The Wasteland, and Modernism, 1977; Rabbi, 1978; (co-author) Galley Bliss, 1980; Eliot, Joyce, and Company, 1987; Joyce's Metamorphosis, 2001. EDITOR: J. M. Synge, The Playboy of the Western World, 1971. Address: 138 Brown Ave, 1 Prospect Ave, Boston, MA 02131, U.S.A. Online address:

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