Suleiman, Michael Wadie

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SULEIMAN, Michael Wadie

SULEIMAN, Michael Wadie. American (born Palestine), b. 1934. Genres: International relations/Current affairs, Politics/Government. Career: University Distinguished Professor, Kansas State University, Manhattan, since 1990 (Assistant Professor, 1965-68; Associate Professor, 1968-72; Professor of Political Science, 1972-90; Dept. Head, 1975-82). Publications: Political Parties in Lebanon: The Challenge of a Fragmented Political Culture, 1967; American Images of Middle East Peoples: Impact of the High School, 1977; The Arabs in the Mind of America, 1988. EDITOR: Arab-Americans: Continuity and Change, 1989; U.S. Policy on Palestine: From Wilson to Clinton, 1995, Arabic translation, 1996; Arabs in America: Building a New Future, 1999. Address: 427 Wickham Rd, Manhattan, KS 66502, U.S.A. Online address:

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