Stuckey, Peter J(ames)

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STUCKEY, Peter J(ames)

STUCKEY, Peter J(ames). Australian, b. 1963. Genres: Information science/Computers. Career: International Business Machines Co., NYC, postdoctoral research fellow at T.J. Watson Research Center, 1988-89; University of Melbourne, Parkville, Australia, research fellow for Machine Intelligence Project, 1990, lecturer, 1991-93, senior research fellow, 1993, senior lecturer, 1994-98, reader and associate professor of computer science, 1999-. Member of organizing committee for seminars, workshops, and conferences on computer science and related topics throughout the world. Publications: (ed. with R. Ramakrishnan) Constraints and Databases, 1997; (with K. Marriott) Programming with Constraints: An Introduction, 1998. Contributor to scientific journals. Address: Department of Computer Science, University of Melbourne, Parkville, VIC 3052, Australia. Online address:

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