Strossen, Nadine

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STROSSEN, Nadine. American, b. 1950. Genres: Law. Career: Harvard Law Review, editor, 1975; Minnesota Supreme Court, St. Paul, MN, judicial clerk, 1975-76; Lindquist and Vennum, Minneapolis, MN, associate, 1976- 78; Sullivan and Cromwell, NYC, associate, 1978-1983; New York University, NYC, professor of clinical law and supervising attorney, 1984- 88; New York Law School, NYC, professor of law, 1988-; radio commentator. Publications: Speaking of Race, Speaking of Sex: Hate Speech, Civil Rights and Civil Liberties, 1995; Defending Pornography: Free Speech, Sex, and the Fight for Women's Rights, 1995. Contributor to books and periodicals. Address: New York Law School, 57 Worth St., New York, NY 10013, U.S.A. Online address:;

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