Stopford, John M(orton)

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STOPFORD, John M(orton)

STOPFORD, John M(orton). British (born Sri Lanka), b. 1939. Genres: Administration/Management, International relations/Current affairs. Career: Baker Perkins Ltd., Peterborough, England, apprentice and skilled fitter, 1957-58; Shell Chemicals (UK) Ltd., London, England, engineer, 1962-64, non-executive director, 1973-77; Guyana Stockfeeds Ltd., Georgetown, acting managing director, 1965; Manchester Business School, England, senior lecturer in business administration, 1968-70; Harvard University, Business School, Boston, MA, visiting assistant professor of business administration, 1971-72; London Business School, England, professor of international business, 1972-, academic dean, 1979-84. Publications: (with L.T. Wells Jr.) Managing the Multinational Enterprise, 1972; (with D.F. Channon and D. Norburn) British Business Policy, 1976; (gen. ed.) Transnational Corporations in World Development: A Re-Examination, 1978; (ed. with B. Garratt) Breaking Down Barriers: Practice and Priorities for International Management Education, 1980; (ed. with D.F. Channon and J. Constable) Cases in Strategic Management, 1980; Growth and Organizational Change in the Multinational Firm, 1980; (with J.H. Dunning and K.O. Haberich) The World Directory of Multinational Enterprises, 1980, 2nd ed. (as sole author), 1982; (with J.H. Dunning) Multinationals: Company Performance and Global Trends, 1983; (with L. Turner) Britain and the Multinationals, 1985; (with S. Strange) Rival States, Rival Firms, 1991; (with C.W.F. Baden-Fuller) Rejuvenating the Mature Business, 1992, 2nd ed., 1994; The Directory of Multinationals, 1992; (with others) Annotated Bibliography of Organizational Learning, 1999; FDI Determinants and TNC Strategies: The Case of Brazil, 2000. Address: 6 Chalcot Square, London NW1 8YB, England. Online address:

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