Stonehouse, Bernard

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STONEHOUSE, Bernard. British, b. 1926. Genres: Natural history, Travel/ Exploration, Zoology. Career: Consultant in polar ecology and management. Reader in Zoology, University of Canterbury, NZ, 1964-68; Sr. Lecturer in Ecology, University of Bradford, 1972-82; Polar Record, editor, 1982-92. Publications: Het Bevroren Continent: The Frozen Continent: A History of Antarctic Exploration, 1958; Wideawake Island: The Story of BOU Centenary Expedition to Ascension Island, 1960; Whales, 1963; Gulls and Terns, 1964; Penguins, 1968; Birds of the New Zealand Shore, 1968; Animals of the Arctic (Antarctic), 2 vols., 1971-72; Young Animals, 1973; Mountain Life, 1975; Penguins, 1975; A Closer Look at Reptiles, 1978; Whales and Dolphins, 1978; Kangaroos, 1978; Penguins, 1978; The Living World of the Sea, 1979; (with M. Borner) Orang-Utan, 1979; Bears, 1980; Saving the Animals, 1981; Charles Darwin and Evolution, 1981; Venomous Snakes, 1981; Parrots, 1981; Buffaloes, 1981; Britain from the Air, 1982; Pocket Guide to the World, 1985; Sea Mammals of the World, 1985; Polar Ecology, 1988; North Pole-South Pole, 1990; The Last Continent: A Guide to Antarctica, 2000. EDITOR: The Way Your Body Works, 1974; The Biology of Penguins, 1974; Biology of Marsupials, 1977; Evolutionary Ecology, 1977; Animal Marking: Recognition Marking of Animals in Research, 1978; (consultant co-) Atlas of Earth Resources, 1979; Philips Illustrated Atlas of the World, 1980; Biological Husbandry, 1981; (co-) Arctic Ocean, 1982; Arctic Air Pollution, 1986; (co-) Antarctica and Global Climate Change. Address: Scott Polar Research Institute, Lensfield Rd, Cambridge CB2 1ER, England. Online address:

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