Stillson, Alan

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STILLSON, Alan. American, b. 1945. Genres: Trivia/Facts. Career: Mathematics teacher at public schools in Brooklyn, NY, 1967-71, and Albuquerque, NM, 1971-74; financial analyst, 1974-78; owner of a commercial real estate finance company, Los Angeles, CA, 1978-95; Best Buy, Calabasas, CA, marketing coordinator, 1995-2001; mathematics teacher, 2001-. Publications: The Mensa Genius A-B-C Quiz Book, 1998; (coauthor) Match Wits with Mensa, 2000; One-Minute Brainteasers, 2001; Classic Brain Teasers, 2001; Middle School Word Puzzles, 2002; What's Your CQ?, 2003; Ninety Second Brainteasers, 2003. Address: 5515 Keokuk Ave, Woodland Hills, CA 91367, U.S.A. Online address:

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