Steiner, Evgeny
STEINER, Evgeny. Also writes as Anton Evenbach, Antony Iwajin, E. Saskin. American (born Russia), b. 1955. Genres: Novellas/Short stories, Art/Art history, Language/Linguistics, Literary criticism and history. Career: Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts, Moscow, Russia, assistant archivist, 1975-80; Iskusstvo Publishing House, Moscow, editor, 1981-83, senior editor, 1983-90; Moscow State University, Faculty of Philosophy, adjunct lecturer, 1988-89; Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Dept of East Asian Studies, lecturer, 1991-93; Tel-Aviv University, Dept of Art History, lecturer, 1991-94; Russian State University for Humanities, Moscow, visiting professor, 1994; Sophia University, Tokyo, guest scholar, 1994-95; Meiji Gakuin University, Yokohama, Japan, visiting researcher, 1996-97; New York University, adjunct faculty member in history of art, 1998-; Yeshiva University Museum, NYC, archivist, 1999-2000; State University of New York at Oswego, Art Dept, visiting professor, 2002-03; extensive lecturing, writing, exhibition preparation for museums and galleries worldwide. Publications: Ikkyu Sojun: Tvorcheskaya Lichnost' v Kontekste Srednevekovoi Kultury (in Russian with an English summary; title means: Ikkyu Sojun: A Creative Personality in the Context of Medieval Culture), 1987; Stories for Little Comrades: Revolutionary Artists in the Early Soviet Children's Books, 1999; Gonsuke from Shinjuku, 1999; English-Japanese Children's Dictionary, 2000; Japanese/English and English/Japanese Dictionary and Phrasebook, 2000; Letters from the Space, 2000; Avant-garde and Construction of the New Man: The Art of Soviet Children's Books in 1920s, 2002. Contributor to periodicals and books. Address: 65 Hillside Ave #6E, New York, NY 10040, U.S.A. Online address:;