Stainton, Robert J. (H.)

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STAINTON, Robert J. (H.)

STAINTON, Robert J. (H.). Canadian, b. 1964. Genres: Philosophy, Language/Linguistics. Career: York University, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, research coordinator, 1988-91; Salem State College, Salem, MA, lecturer in philosophy, 1991; Carleton University, Ottawa, Ontario, assistant professor of philosophy, 1993-97, associate professor of philosophy and linguistics, 1997-, research chair in cognitive science, 2001-. Visiting scholar, visiting researcher, visiting professor at universities in North America. Publications: Philosophical Perspectives on Language, 1996; (with A. Brook) Knowledge and Mind: A Philosophical Introduction, 2000. EDITOR: (with K. Murasugi) Philosophy and Linguistics, 1999; Perspectives in the Philosophy of Language: A Concise Anthology, 2000. Address: Department of Philosophy, 2104 Dunton Tower, Carleton University, 1125 Colonel By Drive, Ottawa, ON, Canada K1S 5B6. Online address:

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