Staggenborg, Suzanne
STAGGENBORG, Suzanne. American/Canadian, b. 1955. Genres: Sociology. Career: Northwestern University Medical School and Northwestern Memorial Hospital, faculty associate and project director for alcohol and crime study, 1985-86; Indiana University, Bloomington, assistant professor, 1986-92, associate professor of sociology, 1992-93; McGill University, associate professor, 1993-99, professor of sociology, 1999-. Publications: The Pro-Choice Movement: Organization and Activism in the Abortion Conflict, 1991; Gender, Family, and Social Movements, 1998; (ed. with B. Klaudermans) Methods of Social Movement Research, 2002. Author of articles on abortion politics and social movements. Address: McGill University, Department of Sociology, Montreal, QC, Canada H3A 2T7. On- line address: