Stafford, Edward Peary

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STAFFORD, Edward Peary

STAFFORD, Edward Peary. American, b. 1918. Genres: History, Military/ Defense/Arms control. Career: U.S. Navy, career officer, 1941-63 and 1966- 69, retiring as commander; speech writer, 1969-80; operator of a yacht delivery service on the East Coast and offshore, 1982-92; writer. Military assignments include commanding officer, U.S.S. SC 692, in the Atlantic and Mediterranean theaters, 1943; executive officer, U.S.S. Abercrombie, in the Pacific, 1944-45; executive officer, U.S.S. Hanson, in the Atlantic and Mediterranean, 1947-48; designated naval aviator, 1950; pilot and operations officer with Hurricane Hunters, 1950-52; operations officer, Airborne Early Warning Squadron, 1956-58; historian of Pacific Fleet, Pearl Harbor, HI, 1966-69. English teacher at University of Nevada and Miami-Dade Junior College. Publications: The Big E, 1962; The Far and the Deep, 1968; Sun, Earth, and Man, 1982; Little Ship, Big War, 1984; Subchaser, 1988. Address: 101 La Costa St (B-1), Melbourne Beach, FL 32951, U.S.A. Online address:

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Stafford, Edward Peary

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