Spolter, Pari (Dokht)

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SPOLTER, Pari (Dokht)

SPOLTER, Pari (Dokht). American (born Iran), b. 1930. Genres: Sciences. Career: Writer. Orb Publishing Co., Granada Hills, CA, founder and publisher, 1988-. Worked at University of Tehran, 1952-57; Temple University, postdoctoral fellow, 1961-62, research fellow and instructor, 1962-65; U.S. Public Health Service Hospital, San Francisco, CA, research biochemist, 1966-68. Publications: Gravitational Force of the Sun, 1994. Address: Orb Publishing Co., 11862 Balboa Blvd No. 182, Granada Hills, CA 91344-2753, U.S.A. Online address: orbpublishing@msn.com