Spindler, George Dearborn

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SPINDLER, George Dearborn

SPINDLER, George Dearborn. American, b. 1920. Genres: Anthropology/ Ethnology, Education, Psychology. Career: Stanford University, CA, assistant professor, 1950-53, associate professor, 1954-60, professor, 1960-78, emeritus professor of anthropology and education, 1978-. Series Ed., 1960-, and Consulting Ed., 1965, Holt, Rinehart, and Winston, NYC, and Harcourt Brace, 1990. Wadsworth-Thomson Visiting Professor at US universities. Publications: Menomini Acculturation, 1955; Transmission of American Culture, 1959; (with A. Beals and L. Spindler) Culture in Process, 1967, rev. ed., 1973; (with L. Spindler) Dreamers without Power: The Menomini Indians, 1971; Burgbach: Urbanization and Identity in a German Village, 1973; The Making of Psychological Anthropology, 1978; Doing the Ethnography of Schooling, 1982; Interpretive Ethnography of Education at Home and Abroad, 1987; Education and Cultural Process: Anthropological Approaches, 1987; The American Cultural Dialogue, 1990. EDITOR: Education and Anthropology, 1955; (and contrib.) Education and Culture, 1963; (and contrib.) Being an Anthropologist, 1970; (and contrib.) Education and Cultural Process: Toward an Anthropology of Education, 1974, rev. ed., 1997; The Making of Psychological Anthropology II, 1994; Pathways to Cultural Awareness, 1994; Fifty Years of Anthropology and Education: A Spindler Anthology, 2000. Address: Ethnographics, 1247 Alice St, Davis, CA 95616, U.S.A. Online address: geospinner@aol.com

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