Spencer, Duncan
SPENCER, Duncan. American, b. 1940. Genres: Autobiography/Memoirs, Documentaries/Reportage, Travel/Exploration, Biography. Career: Washington Star, Washington, DC, reporter, 1965-81; Fathers magazine, Washington, DC, vice-president and managing editor, 1986-90. Consultant and speech writer for National Endowment for the Humanities, 1977; Roll Call (the newspaper of Capitol Hill), columnist; The Hill (Congressional weekly), columnist. Publications: Love Gone Wrong: The Jean Harris/ Scarsdale Murder Case, 1981; (with W. Groom) Conversations with the Enemy: The Story of PFC Robert Garwood, 1983; Facing the Wall: Americans at the Vietnam Veterans Memorial, 1986; (with T.M. Booth) Paratrooper, 1993. Contributor of articles to periodicals. Address: 643 East Capitol St. S.E., Washington, DC 20003, U.S.A. Online address: Dcspencer9@aol.com