Snow White: The Fairest of Them All

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Snow White: The Fairest of Them All ★★ 2002

Kreuk certainly looks the title part and Richardson makes a fine wicked stepmother and queen but this version of the fairy tale is lame. Snow's mother dies when she's a baby and her father (Irwin) unwittingly places his daughter under a curse when he marries the witchy Elspeth (Richardson). Oh, and the dwarves are rainbow-colored and named after the days of the week. But Snow still gets stuck in that glass coffin until the prince comes along. 90m/C VHS, DVD . Kristen Kreuk, Miranda Richardson, Tom Irwin, Vera Farmiga, Vincent Schiavelli, Warwick Davis, Michael J. Anderson, Clancy Brown, Tyron Leitso; D: Caroline Thompson; W: Caroline Thompson, Julie Hickson; C: Jon Joffin; M: Michael Covertino. TV

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