Snow Cake

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Snow Cake ★★ 2006

Middle-aged Brit Alex (Rickman) is driving through Ontario and reluctantly offers a ride to hitchhiking teen Vivienne (Hampshire). She's killed in a crash and uninjured Alex decides he must convey his condolences to her mother, only to discover that Linda (Weaver) is autistic and doesn't process emotions. Alan decides to stay for the funeral and meets Linda's secretive neighbor Maggie (Moss), who offers her own personal brand of sympathy. Moss is best as a small-town femme but Rickman and Weaver are chilly and constricted. 112m/C DVD . GB CA Sigourney Weaver, Alan Rickman, Carrie-Anne Moss, James Allodi, Emily Hampshire; D: Marc Evans; W: Angela Pell; C: Steve Cosens; M: Broken Social Scene.

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