Smith, Mary C.

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SMITH, Mary C.

SMITH, Mary C. American, b. 1936. Genres: Romance/Historical, Science fiction/Fantasy. Career: Writer. U.S. Information Agency, foreign service officer, 1966-88. Work included editing magazines in Nigeria, Sri Lanka, and Rio de Janeiro; American cultural center director, Medellin, Colombia; congressional correspondent, Washington, DC; press attache, Guatemala; USIS branch director, Kaduna, Nigeria; radio program director, Department of State, Washington, DC; reporting officer, U.S. mission to the United Nations, NYC. Publications: All the Gods Are Dying Gods (historical novel), 1977; The Undesirables (science-fiction novel), 1998. Contributor of short stories and articles to periodicals. Address: c/o Black Heron Press, PO Box 95676, Seattle, WA 98145, U.S.A. Online address:

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Smith, Mary C.

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