Slote, Alfred

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SLOTE, Alfred

SLOTE, Alfred. Also writes as A. H. Garnet. American, b. 1926. Genres: Novels, Novellas/Short stories, Mystery/Crime/Suspense, Children's fiction, Plays/Screenplays. Career: Has worked as an educational television producer, journalist, and teacher. Publications: CHILDREN'S FICTION: The Princess Who Wouldn't Talk, 1964; The Moon in Fact and Fancy (nonfiction), 1967; Air in Fact and Fancy, 1968; Stranger on the Ball Club, 1970; Jake, 1971; The Biggest Victory, 1972; My Father, the Coach, 1972; Hang Tough, Paul Mather, 1973; Tony and Me, 1974; Matt Gargan's Boy, 1975; My Robot Buddy, 1975; The Hot Shot, 1977; My Trip to Alpha I, 1978; Love and Tennis, 1979; The Devil Rides with Me and Other Fantastic Stories, 1980; C.O.L.A.R.: A Tale of Outer Space, 1981; Clone Catcher, 1982; Rabbit Ears, 1982; Omega Station, 1983; The Trouble on Janus, 1985; Moving In, 1988; A Friend Like That, 1988; Make-Believe Ballplayer, 1989; The Trading Game, 1990; Finding Buck McHenry, 1991. ADULT FICTION: Denham Proper, 1953; Lazarus in Vienna, 1956; Strangers and Comrades, 1965; (with W.W. Hunter) Preparation for Retirement (short stories), 1968; Termination: The Closing at Baker Plant (non-fiction), 1969. OTHER: (with D. Field) Finding Buck McHenry (screenplay), 2000. AS A.H. GARNET (with G. Garrison): The Santa Claus Killer, 1981; Maze, 1982. Address: 1710 Ives Ln, Ann Arbor, MI 48104-4501, U.S.A. Online address: