Slavin, Robert E(dward)
SLAVIN, Robert E(dward)
SLAVIN, Robert E(dward). American, b. 1950. Genres: Education. Career: Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, Center for Research on Effective Schooling for Disadvantaged Students, co-director, 1975-. Publications: Using Student Team Learning, 1978, 3rd ed, 1986; Student Team Learning: An Overview and Practical Guide, 1983, 4th ed, 1994; Research Methods in Education: A Practical Guide, 1984, 2nd ed, 1992; Educational Psychology: Theory into Practice, 1986, 6th ed, 2000; Cooperative Learning: Theory, Research, and Practice, 1990, 2nd ed, 1995; (with N.A. Madden, N.L. Karweit, and others) Success for All: A Relentless Approach to Prevention and Early Intervention in Elementary Schools, 1992; (with N.A. Madden and others) Every Child, Every School: Success for All, 1996; Education for All, 1998; (with O. Fashola) Show Me the Evidence: Proven and Promising Programs for America's Schools. EDITOR: (with S. Sharan, S. Kagan, C. Webb, and others) Learning to Cooperate, Cooperating to Learn, 1985; School and Classroom Organization, 1989; (with N.L. Karweit and N.A. Madden) Effective Programs for Students at Risk, 1989; (with N.L. Karweit, B.A. Wasik, and N.A. Madden) Preventing Early School Failure: Research, Policy, and Practice, 1994. Address: Center for Research on Effective Schooling, for Disadvantaged Students, Johns Hopkins University, 200 W Towsontown Blvd., Baltimore, MD 21204, U.S.A. Online address: